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doc icon DUGiDocs novembre 2016 An experimental analysis of the fracture behavior of composite bonded joints in terms of cohesive laws Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep ; Renart Canalias, Jordi
out url icon Recercat Experimental and analytical investigation into the flexural performance of RC beams with partially and fully bonded NSM FRP bars/strips Sharaky, Ibrahim Attia ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Sallam, H. E M
doc icon DUGiDocs 2015 Experimental and analytical investigation into the flexural performance of RC beams with partially and fully bonded NSM FRP bars/strips Sharaky, Ibrahim Attia ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Sallam, H. E M
doc icon DUGiDocs 11 juliol 2014 Experimental and analytical study of delamination caused by free-edges and matrix cracks in laminated composites Zubillaga Eceiza, Lierni
doc icon TDX 11 juliol 2014 Experimental and analytical study of delamination caused by free-edges and matrix cracks in laminated composites Zubillaga Eceiza, Lierni
out url icon Recercat Experimental and analytical study of delamination caused by free-edges and matrix cracks in laminated composites Zubillaga Eceiza, Lierni
media icon DUGiMedia 31 maig 2023 Experimental building block approach and numerical modelling of thermoplastic composite used for fuselage panels Zaragkas, Thomas
media icon DUGiMedia 31 maig 2023 Experimental characterization and numerical modeling of damages induced by low-velocity impacts in recent composite materials Laurin, Frédéric
doc icon DUGiDocs 31 maig 2023 Experimental characterization and numerical modeling of damages induced by low-velocity impacts in recent composite materials Laurin, F. ; Chaibi, S. ; Rannou, J. ; Berthe, Julien ; Bouvet, Christophe ; Congourdeau, F.
doc icon DUGiDocs 11 juny 2015 Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of composite adhesive joints using the cohesive zone model approach Sarrado Molina, Carlos
out url icon Recercat Experimental characterization and numerical simulation of composite adhesive joints using the cohesive zone model approach Sarrado Molina, Carlos
out url icon Recercat An experimental data reduction method for the Mixed Mode Bending test based on the J-integral approach Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
doc icon DUGiDocs 29 setembre 2015 An experimental data reduction method for the Mixed Mode Bending test based on the J-integral approach Sarrado Molina, Carlos ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Renart Canalias, Jordi ; Costa i Balanzat, Josep
media icon DUGiMedia 31 maig 2023 Experimental investigation of the loading rate dependency of the non-linear damageable behaviour of carbon/epoxy laminates Berthe, Julien
media icon DUGiMedia 31 maig 2023 Experimental and numerical investigation on bearing behavior of hybrid thin/thick-ply composite laminates Loukil, Mohamed Sahbi
out url icon Recercat Experimental study of bond-slip of GFRP bars in concrete under sustained loads Vilanova Marco, Irene ; Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Barris Peña, Cristina
doc icon DUGiDocs 1 juny 2015 Experimental study of bond-slip of GFRP bars in concrete under sustained loads Vilanova Marco, Irene ; Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Barris Peña, Cristina
out url icon Recercat An experimental study of different factors affecting the bond of NSM FRP bars in concrete Sharaky, Ibrahim Attia ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Miàs Oller, Cristina
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 An experimental study of different factors affecting the bond of NSM FRP bars in concrete Sharaky, Ibrahim Attia ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Miàs Oller, Cristina
out url icon Recercat Experimental study of immediate and time-dependent deflections of GFRP reinforced concrete beams Miàs Oller, Cristina ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Barris Peña, Cristina
doc icon DUGiDocs 2013 Experimental study of immediate and time-dependent deflections of GFRP reinforced concrete beams Miàs Oller, Cristina ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Turon Travesa, Albert ; Barris Peña, Cristina
out url icon Recercat Experimental study of the influence of adhesive properties and bond length on the bond behaviour of NSM FRP bars in concrete Barris Peña, Cristina ; Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Sharaky, Ibrahim Attia
doc icon DUGiDocs 17 agost 2016 Experimental study of the influence of adhesive properties and bond length on the bond behaviour of NSM FRP bars in concrete Barris Peña, Cristina ; Baena Muñoz, Marta ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Sharaky, Ibrahim Attia
out url icon Recercat Experimental study on crack width and crack spacing for Glass-FRP reinforced concrete beams Barris Peña, Cristina ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Vilanova Marco, Irene ; Miàs Oller, Cristina ; Llorens Sulivera, Miquel
doc icon DUGiDocs 15 gener 2017 Experimental study on crack width and crack spacing for Glass-FRP reinforced concrete beams Barris Peña, Cristina ; Torres Llinàs, Lluís ; Vilanova Marco, Irene ; Miàs Oller, Cristina ; Llorens Sulivera, Miquel
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